What is liposuction surgery?
Various reasons can lead to fat accumulation in different areas of the human body. Sudden weight gain, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unbalanced and unhealthy diet are among the most common causes of regional fat accumulation problems. Patients who suffer from this issue but cannot get rid of localized fat despite following a regular diet or exercise program often turn to various aesthetic surgeries as a solution. This is where liposuction surgeries come into play. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that helps patients get rid of unwanted localized fat, allowing them to achieve more aesthetic and defined body contours.
How is liposuction performed?
Liposuction, one of the most commonly preferred aesthetic surgeries today, can be performed using multiple techniques. These can be listed as follows:
- Classic liposuction
- Laser liposuction
- Power-assisted liposuction
- Vaser liposuction (Ultrasound-assisted liposuction)
These techniques have similar effects, and the choice of which one to use is generally left to the doctor’s preference. Factors such as the patient’s age, the area where liposuction will be performed, and the amount of excess fat may influence this decision. During the pre-operative consultation between the patient and the doctor, the technique is decided upon, and the surgical process is planned.
The most commonly preferred anesthesia type for liposuction surgery is general anesthesia. This ensures that the patient will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. After the anesthesia takes effect, small incisions are made in the areas where excess fat tissue has been accumulated, as decided before the surgery. Through these incisions, excess fat tissue is removed from the body. The surgery is completed by closing the incisions and bandaging the operated area. An average liposuction surgery lasts around 2 hours. The duration of the surgery may vary depending on the area of application and the amount of fat in the patient’s body.
What should we do after liposuction surgery? What should we pay attention to?
After a successful liposuction surgery, patients can expect a recovery process in which they will successfully recover, provided they carefully follow the recommendations and advice of the surgeon who performed the operation. The recovery process after liposuction surgery can be examined under the following headings:
Nutrition: Liposuction surgery has permanent effects. However, to prevent the reaccumulation of excess fat in the areas treated, patients need to pay attention to their dietary habits. During the recovery process following the surgery, patients are recommended to consume plenty of water, herbal teas suggested by the doctor, and sugar-free natural fruit juices. Adequate fluid intake during the recovery process will positively contribute to the healing process.
During the recovery process following liposuction surgery, patients are not recommended to follow a diet high in salt. Foods high in sodium and the use of salt will cause the body to retain water, which will increase swelling. The formation of swelling in the body will negatively affect the recovery process after liposuction. Reducing salt and salty foods to the amount recommended by your doctor during this period will be beneficial.
After liposuction surgery, it is also recommended to limit the consumption of sugary and flour-based foods. Excessive consumption of foods containing these ingredients may cause the weight gain process to begin again.
During the recovery process following the surgery, the consumption of alcoholic beverages can negatively affect the healing process. Additionally, it may be necessary to limit alcohol consumption even before the surgery.
There may be specific recommendations and advice from your doctor regarding your diet before and after liposuction surgery. To successfully navigate this process, it is recommended to follow these suggestions and adopt healthy and balanced eating habits as part of your lifestyle. Additionally, it is important to remember that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery. Individuals who are dissatisfied with their excess weight are advised to seek support from specialist dietitians to lose weight before considering liposuction.
Corset use: After liposuction surgery, patients are recommended to wear a corset. The corset to be worn after the surgery helps prevent swelling and allows the body to retain less fluid. Additionally, the corset helps the free fat in liquid form in the operated area to heal in a more shapely manner.
After liposuction surgery, corset use should follow the duration and guidelines recommended by the surgeon who performed the operation. During the first two weeks after the surgery, wearing the corset regularly and throughout the day will be highly effective in the recovery process. After this period, with the approval of the surgeon who performed the liposuction, corset use will gradually be reduced and eventually stopped. A total of 6 weeks of corset use is recommended.
Recovery process and return to daily life: After liposuction surgery, patients are advised not to rush back into daily life. After the first week of rest at home, and with approval from the surgeon who performed the operation, patients can gradually return to their daily routines.
The recovery process following liposuction surgery typically takes between 4 to 6 weeks. For activities such as sexual activity, driving, and exercise, it is crucial to follow the date specified by the surgeon who performed the operation, as this will play an important role in the recovery process.
Things to consider after liposuction:After liposuction surgery, effects such as swelling, bruising, and edema may be observed in the operated areas. These are temporary, but in case of persistent or unexpected side effects, it is recommended to contact the surgeon who performed the operation.
After the surgery, it is recommended to avoid excessively hot and humid environments such as hammams, saunas, jacuzzis, steam rooms, or swimming pools during the recovery process. Additionally, it is advised to refrain from heavy sports activities and exercises during this period.
It takes an average of two weeks for the swelling in the treated areas to subside after the surgery. However, to completely eliminate the swelling and to observe the full effects of the liposuction operation, a period of approximately 1.5 months should pass.
Liposuction price information.
One of the most common questions asked by those considering liposuction is the price of the procedure. Liposuction is an aesthetic operation that can be applied to many areas of the body where excess fat is stored. Areas such as the arms, legs, hips, calves, and abdomen are the most common areas for liposuction. Facial areas such as the chin and double chin are also suitable for liposuction. Liposuction prices may vary depending on these application areas. The technique to be used for the excess fat in the patient’s body in these areas also plays a significant role in the price range variation. In addition, liposuction can be performed in combination with various aesthetic procedures. If liposuction is combined with another procedure, such as fat injection, the price is determined by considering the total cost of these operations.
It is not legal for institutions and beauty centers with the approval of the Ministry of Health to share the prices of the procedures they offer online. For this reason, we cannot share detailed information about liposuction prices here. You can reach us at +90 212 706 9075 to get answers to your questions about liposuction prices and the procedure.