Eyelid Aesthetic Surgery
Eyelid aesthetic surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct changes in the eyelids caused by aging, genetic factors, or environmental influences. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, leading to sagging and puffiness of the eyelids. Excess skin on the upper eyelids, in particular, can make a person appear more tired and aged. Additionally, puffiness in the lower eyelids can negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of the eye area.
Eyelid aesthetic surgery involves the removal of excess skin and tightening of the muscle tissue around the eyes. This procedure can be preferred to rejuvenate the overall expression of the face and give it a more lively appearance. Deformities in the eyelids can lead to a person feeling more unhappy. Furthermore, significant sagging can narrow the field of vision, causing problems in daily life. For those who want to improve their vision quality and eliminate the feeling of heaviness around the eyes, this surgery is an important option.
Eyelid aesthetic surgery is planned according to the individual’s facial features, ensuring a natural appearance. A detailed evaluation must be made before the procedure, taking into account the patient’s expectations and health status. The surgical process may vary depending on the patient’s skin structure and the severity of the eyelid deformity. This procedure, performed under local or general anesthesia, is typically completed in a short time. The recovery process after the procedure may vary depending on the patient’s overall health condition.
In the first days, mild swelling and bruising may occur, but these effects usually decrease within a few weeks. The return to daily life depends on how well the patient follows aftercare and recovery instructions. After eyelid aesthetic surgery, the eye area achieves a more dynamic and healthy appearance.
At What Age Is Eyelid Aesthetic Surgery Performed?
Eyelid aesthetic surgery is generally preferred for individuals over 30 years old. However, in some cases, genetic predisposition may lead to the need for the procedure at a younger age. If sagging and puffiness in the eyelids occur at an early age, surgical intervention may be considered depending on the person’s needs. This process is determined based on the degree of deformity in the eyelids, skin structure, and health status.
Generally, with aging, the skin around the eyes loses its elasticity, making eyelid surgery necessary. Eyelid aesthetic surgery can be performed not only due to age but also for functional problems in the eyelids. Sagging upper eyelids that narrow the field of vision may negatively affect daily life. Therefore, the surgery is planned according to the problems experienced by the person, regardless of age.
In some individuals, noticeable looseness in the eyelid skin occurs after the age of 40, making eyelid surgery a common option. After examination by the surgeon, the suitability for the surgery is determined. For the surgery to be successful, the individual’s overall health must be good.
How is Upper Eyelid Surgery Performed?
Upper eyelid surgery is a surgical procedure performed to eliminate sagging and excess skin on the eyelids. Aging, genetic predisposition, and environmental factors can cause the eyelids to loosen over time. Upper eyelid surgery involves removing excess skin and tightening the muscle tissue. Before the surgery, a detailed evaluation of the patient’s eyelid structure is made, and a plan that fits the person’s facial features is created. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and is completed in a short period. After the surgery, mild swelling and bruising may occur around the eyes, but these effects diminish within a few weeks. The steps for upper eyelid surgery are as follows:
- Local anesthesia is applied.
- Excess skin on the eyelid is marked.
- Excess skin and muscle tissue are removed.
- Incisions are closed with aesthetic stitches.
- The recovery process is monitored after the operation.
What Are the Symptoms of Drooping Eyelids?
Drooping eyelids occur when the upper eyelid is positioned lower than normal. This condition can occur in one or both eyes. It generally appears with aging but can also be congenital.
Drooping eyelids can narrow a person’s field of vision, leading to difficulties in daily life. In some individuals, drooping eyelids may cause significant aesthetic concerns, while in others, they may directly affect vision function. The inability to fully open the eyelids can cause complaints such as eye fatigue and headaches. The symptoms of drooping eyelids are as follows:
- Sagging of the upper eyelid
- Narrowing of the field of vision
- Eye fatigue and headaches
- Change in facial expression
- Constant feeling of heaviness in the eyes
Who Is Suitable for Eyelid Aesthetic Surgery (Blepharoplasty)?
Eyelid aesthetic surgery is applied to individuals who experience sagging and puffiness in their eyelids. Changes in the eyelids caused by aging, genetic factors, or environmental influences lead to both aesthetic and functional problems. Eyelid aesthetic surgery helps to create a natural look by planning according to the individual’s facial structure. A detailed evaluation should be made before the surgery, and the person’s health status must be considered. Individuals suitable for eyelid surgery are as follows:
- Those with noticeable sagging in the eyelids
- Those with puffiness in the lower eyelids
- Those who have lost skin elasticity around the eyes
- Individuals with a narrowed field of vision
- Those who desire a younger and more dynamic appearance
Eyelid aesthetic surgery is preferred not only for aesthetic concerns but also to address functional issues. Significant sagging in the upper eyelids can narrow the field of vision, making daily activities difficult. This situation can negatively affect tasks that require focus, such as reading books or driving. Puffiness and loosening of the lower eyelids make the person’s facial expression appear tired and aged. This surgery is performed when skin elasticity is reduced, and wrinkles around the eyes become more prominent.