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The most preferred areas are the hips, abdomen, arms, waist and legs. In addition, this procedure can be applied to any part of the body that is thought to have excess fat.

General anaesthesia is generally used in aesthetic operations. However, local anaesthesia can also be used in smaller procedures such as prominent ear aesthetics, upper eyelid aesthetics. For the surgical or non-surgical procedures you are considering, our doctor will give you the necessary information during the preliminary interview.

Non-surgical aesthetic procedures are generally short-term procedures that affect daily life. However, local anaesthesia can be used just in case to avoid pain and suffering.

Dr Burak PASİNLİOĞLU's recommendations should be followed carefully. It is necessary to stay away from harmful habits for a while. It is very important not to strain the treated area. Healthy eating and regular sleep are very important in the healing process.

Especially after surgical operations, it may be necessary to stay under observation. For this reason, a plan should be made a few days before and after the procedure. Checks should be made during the recovery process. For this reason, a process planning that will not interrupt the controls should be considered.

Non-surgical aesthetic methods usually do not affect daily life. However, there are still issues that should be considered before these procedures. Harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol should be stopped 2-3 days before the procedures. The use of blood thinners should be stopped at least 1 week before the procedure.

The time of discharge varies according to the procedure performed. In surgical procedures, it may be necessary to stay under observation for one or several days. Non-surgical methods can be discharged on the same day. It is very important to follow your doctor's recommendations in both processes

Fat removal surgery, like any surgery, has certain risks. However, when considered in general, it is in the category of low-risk surgeries. As long as a very serious amount of fat is not removed, they are safe surgeries.

Harmful habits such as smoking should be stopped 2 weeks before surgical operations. The use of blood thinners should also be suspended. Food and beverage consumption should be completely stopped 8 hours before the operation.

In procedures that do not require surgery, you can be discharged on the same day. You can return to daily life a few hours after the procedure. It is very important to follow your doctor's recommendations in this process.

Liposuction application allows you to get rid of fat that cannot be melted as a result of long efforts. This, of course, contributes to weight loss and slimming your body measurements. But liposuction is not a weight loss surgery.

Aesthetic surgery procedures generally do not need to be repeated. However, in operations performed with injection or fat removal procedures, a repeat operation may be required as a result of re-fatting and sagging of the treated area.

Especially botox and filling applications are temporary. The duration of permanence of the operations varies. Careful compliance with the doctor's recommendations increases the duration of permanence. But sooner or later the area returns to its former state. Therefore, repeat applications may be required.

Depending on the treated area and the amount of oil to be removed, it may take 1 or 2 hours. Generally, it is necessary to stay under surveillance for 1 day. The type of anesthesia varies according to the area to be treated. It is usually done under general anesthesia.

Each operation has a different healing process. The healing process is longer in combined operations. When the procedure to be applied is decided, your doctor provides the necessary information.

In these procedures, methods such as injection and laser are used. In injection procedures, there is a rare risk of infection. However, this can be easily controlled. Short-term swelling and oedema may occur. But this condition is temporary. It disappears spontaneously after a short time.

All movements that put pressure on the nose should be avoided. The use of cigarettes and tobacco products not only delays the healing process, but also causes contraction in the veins, thus reducing the oxygen and blood supply in the general healing process. Ending the use of tobacco products plays an important role in getting through the pre-operative period and the post-operative recovery period more easily.

During the meeting with your doctor before rhinoplasty, you should inform your doctor about your current diseases, allergies and medications you use. This is a very important step to prevent complications during and after the surgery. You should not skip this step or provide incomplete information. Your doctor may suggest that you stop some of the medications you use before the surgery. In addition, with the advice of your doctor, you may need to avoid some herbal medicines or supplements. It is also very important that you stop smoking before rhinoplasty. Smoking can prolong your recovery after your surgery.

Yes, there are non-surgical procedures for rhinoplasty. These procedures, which are usually done with filling, are used to correct situations such as asymmetry disorders if the nose structure is suitable.

The healing process varies from person to person. The healing process takes at least 2 months. But it takes up to 1 year for the nose to fully fit into the body.

It would be the most appropriate choice to wait until the age of 18 in order to complete the developmental age. Anyone who has health problems due to the nose structure and is not satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of their nose can apply for these procedures.

You can be discharged on the day of the procedure. A period of 2 weeks is required for the filling to set completely.

Anyone over the age of 18 who is not allergic to filling materials can apply for this procedure. A detailed physical examination is required before the procedure.

Since local anesthesia is applied to the area to be filled beforehand, no pain is felt during the procedure.

Applications such as fillers and botox are not permanent applications. The effect of such applications completely disappears after about 6-12 months and the area becomes as it was before.

Botox application can be completed within 30 minutes.

Botox application is not recommended for people with diseases related to the nervous system, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The effect of the Botox procedure is visible after the first 48-72 hours. The permanence of botox varies according to the area where it is applied. While it has a permanence of up to 6 months in the face area, its effect can last up to 1 year when applied to the armpit for sweating control.

There is a very low chance of infection. This problem can be solved with simple antibiotics and dressings in line with your doctor's recommendations. There is no other risk.

The patient can continue daily life 1 day after the operation. At the end of 2 weeks, the change reaches a visible level.

It should be noted that this is a very low probability. In the application, fat taken from the person's body is injected. As fat in any part of the body can melt, there is a possibility that the injected fat will melt over time, but as mentioned, this is a very low probability. The aim of the operation is to create a process that will be done once and will not be repeated.

Fat injection is generally known as the chin and cheekbone, hip area and forehead area are the most common areas where this application is performed. Fat injection in these areas aims to reshape and restore the aesthetic appearance.

There is a low probability of infection. Abscesses may occur due to this condition.

Cosmetic gynecology includes many genital surgery procedures with aesthetic and functional effects. Applications such as genital skin rejuvenation, genital spot and wart treatments, skin whitening, genital lip aesthetics and genital fillers come together under the title of cosmetic gynecology.

Any woman who is faced with dysfunction of the genital area due to aging, birth or different traumas and who feels the need for aesthetics in the region can apply to cosmetic gynecology. Every woman over 18 years of age is a candidate for cosmetic gynecology.

In order to receive treatment in the field of Cosmetic Gynecology, you must be at least 18 years old.

The type of anesthesia varies according to the type of procedure performed.

Each operation has a different healing process. Therefore, issues such as recovery time, return to daily life, return to work life vary for each operation. The most accurate information is provided by your doctor.

G-Shot application is known as a procedure that has a great impact on sexual life. Thanks to the G-Shot application, vaginal dryness can be eliminated, problems such as sexual reluctance can be eliminated and the pleasure from sexual intercourse can be increased.

No specific requirements are needed for the G-Shot application. All women over 18 years of age, who have problems with orgasm and want a more enjoyable sexual life can apply to this method.

The G-Shot method has been developed as a method used in the field of non-surgical genital aesthetics. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and the injection method is used. It does not involve any surgical intervention.

First of all, it should be noted that the operation is very short and does not impose any restrictions on daily life. The application is completed within 5 minutes and then daily life can continue.

Local anesthesia is applied in G-Shot Application.

You must be at least 18 years old to apply for Genital Aesthetics.

Genital aesthetics is defined as a field that covers all operations performed in the genital area. Many methods such as labiaplasty, hymenoplasty, clitoroplasty, vaginoplasty, g-shot applications, urinary incontinence treatments and genital laser come together under the title of genital aesthetics.

Genital aesthetics can be performed with general anesthesia, local anesthesia or sedation depending on the operation to be performed. Along with anesthesia applications, genital aesthetic surgeries are a surgical operation. When considered in this way, it is necessary to consider that genital aesthetics involves some risks, albeit low.

Patients can be discharged immediately after genital aesthetic operations. In some cases, the physician performing the surgery may deem it appropriate for the patient to stay overnight in the hospital under observation. After these operations, which are frequently preferred by many women, the process of returning to daily life progresses smoothly. Depending on the type of genital plastic surgery to be applied, the things to be considered after surgery may vary.

Depending on the operation to be performed, general or local anesthesia is preferred.

The operation is completed in as little as half an hour and does not require anesthesia.

All women who are not menstruating and need this treatment for aesthetic or functional reasons can apply for this operation.

Generally, sexual intercourse is not recommended for the first 10 days after the operation. If deemed appropriate after the doctor's control, there is no obstacle in this regard. This whole process covers a period of 2 weeks.

You can return to daily life on the day of the operation. The procedure does not require hospitalization.

The Genital Radiofrequency procedure is completed in as little as 30 minutes.

Genital laser is an application that can respond to all general vaginal problems. Many genital problems caused by the aging of the body over time can be solved with this application. Thanks to this operation, many problems such as urinary incontinence, vaginal tightening and tightening, treatment of recurrent fungi and infections, blackening and cracks, genital warts and vaginal dryness can be solved. In order to perform any of these procedures, a detailed physical examination should first be performed, and then the most appropriate method should be decided by consulting the doctor.

The aim of genital aesthetics is to achieve the desired result after a single application. All operations are performed with this purpose. However, if there is a problem that will require this operation again in a period of 6 months to 2 years after the operation, the operation may be repeated.

This procedure is not recommended for people with immune system problems, unpreventable diabetes, psychiatric disorders, pregnancy and puerperium.

Anesthesia is not needed in Genital Laser treatment.

Genital Laser Application is completed in as little as 20 minutes.

PRP treatment can be applied in cases such as skin rejuvenation, hair loss, osteoarthritis and tendon injuries.

The effect of PRP treatment can last up to 6 months. With the care you will perform in line with your doctor's recommendations, you can increase this period up to 12 months.

A total of 3 sessions are carried out, with an interval of 2 weeks.

It is very important that the area where the application will be made is sterile. Otherwise, swelling and bruising may occur in the injection areas, but this is very rare.

In PRP Applications, local anesthesia is applied through anesthetic creams.

Non-surgical methods can be tried in newborns and babies who have not completed the first 6 months. After this process, non-surgical ear aesthetics is not possible.

The aesthetic appearance is lost due to the deterioration of the ear structure, which is congenital or due to trauma. Ear aesthetics can be applied in order to make the ear more aesthetically pleasing and structurally smoother than before.

Apart from the standard postoperative edema, swelling and bruising, ear aesthetics has no side effects. Dr. All operations performed by Burak PASİNLİOĞLU are carried out in European standards and do not carry any risk.

After reaching the age of 10, ear development is completed. From this period, ear aesthetics can be applied at any time desired.

A period of 4-6 weeks is required for complete healing and full fit of the ear.

This situation varies from person to person. It is recommended that people with round faces have sharp lines, people with long faces are flat, and people with oval faces should have slightly angled eyebrows. For this reason, the opinion of your doctor before the operation is very important.

There is no method of eyebrow aesthetics that will provide permanent results. Sooner or later, these methods need to be repeated, but this process varies according to how much the person follows the doctor's recommendations after the application.

No, it's not just surgery. There are also non-surgical intervention methods such as Botox applications and rope slings. After a physical examination by your doctor, the most appropriate method for you is decided.

Unless there is a medical necessity, anyone from the age of 18 can apply for this application.

Stitches are removed 4-5 days after the operation. A minimum of 3 weeks is required for full results.

Local anesthesia is usually preferred.

Since local anesthesia is applied during the operation, pain is not felt. Short-term pain may occur after the anesthesia loses its effect after the operation. These pains can be relieved with simple painkillers and ice applications.

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the droopy eyelid that causes the operation, as it arises from many different reasons. If the causes of droopy eyelid are not left, the situation may recur and re-intervention may be required.

It is very important to get rid of bad habits. Since the use of cigarettes and tobacco products prolongs the healing process, it should be stopped 2 weeks before the operation. In addition, since there is a possibility of increased bleeding during the operation, the use of drugs such as aspirin should be discontinued 2 weeks before.

It is not possible to completely eliminate scars in surgical procedures. However, since the stitches placed in the treated area are placed at points that can be hidden, they do not cause problems.

Any individual who experiences sagging, folding and collapse in the jowl area can apply for this application.

Yes, it can be done. Jowl aesthetics can be performed without surgical intervention with the Jowl Liposuction method. Jowl operations can be performed with or without surgical intervention. The most appropriate method is determined according to the physical characteristics of the person and the result of the physical examination to be performed by the doctor.

General or local anesthesia is preferred depending on the procedure to be performed.

The procedure may be required again due to re-fatting of the fat-free area due to nutrition or other reasons.

Yes, there is a scar on the face. However, this scar is extremely small and can be reduced to invisible levels with the intervention of your doctor.

The permanence of the treatment varies according to how much the person follows the doctor's recommendations in the post-treatment process. For 10 years, the new face shape can be maintained.

Hospitalisation may be required for maximum 2 days after the operation.

You can return to work life after 10 days at the latest.

If the person is discharged from the hospital after the operation, he/she can return to his/her normal life after 2 days. Swelling and bruises on the face disappear after a maximum of 10 days. Afterwards, daily life can be returned completely.

This operation is considered a mid-range surgery. There is no risk to life and no side effects other than possible surgical symptoms.

First of all, it is necessary to get a specialist doctor's opinion. Then, anyone who has congenital malformations of the jaw and cheekbone structure, who has deformation in these areas after trauma and who needs aesthetic surgery in these areas can apply for these procedures.

Postoperative edema, swelling and bruising may occur. But this condition disappears after 1 week. It is necessary to wait at least 6 months to observe the clearest result of the operation.

Usually after 1 week, the operation scars disappear to a great extent. However, it may take up to 6 months for the area to heal completely and for a clear result to be seen.

It is very important to act in line with your doctor's recommendations. Considering the sensitivity of the treated area, forceful movements should be avoided. Leaving harmful habits for a while allows you to get through the healing process more comfortably.

The image and vigorous appearance obtained with lip lift surgery can be maintained for a long time. Considering the increase in age, loss of elasticity of the skin and the effects of gravity, the distance between the nose and lips may increase again over time. However, a very long time must pass for this to happen. Considering all these, it can be said that the permanence period of lip lift surgery is quite long.

Regardless of which technique is preferred for lip lift surgery, local anesthesia is applied to the patient. With local anesthesia, only the lips and the area around the lips are numbed. The patient does not feel any pain during surgery. Depending on the problem in the lip area of the person to be operated on and the application technique, the lip lift operation takes an average of 1 hour. Lip lift, which is a very simple and safe application, does not cause pain. After the operation is completed, the patient can return home on the same day.

After lip lift surgery, some edema or swelling can be expected, as in many other aesthetic operations. The average recovery time of these expected swelling may take approximately 1 week.

Local anesthesia is preferred in lip aesthetics.

The incisions in breast augmentation surgery are usually quite small. For this reason, the scars expected to occur after breast augmentation surgery are also very small and thin. Over time, the color of these scars turns pink and then white. In this process, the tissues also flatten and become indistinct. The scars also become almost invisible. At the end of 1 year, the scars are fixed in a way that is not obvious.

Various non-surgical applications can be performed for breast augmentation aesthetics. Breast augmentation can be performed without surgery with methods such as fat injection and the use of fillers. However, it is not possible to get as effective results as breast prosthesis in the fat injection method. 4-6 sessions may be required for breast augmentation with fat injection. It should be said that filling applications other than these applications are not permanent and are not preferred due to the high risk of infection.

Many women consult physicians for various reasons for breast augmentation surgery. This application can be applied for many reasons such as having small breasts, a disproportionate situation between the hips and breasts of the woman and many more.

In order to avoid a negative situation, it is possible to be hospitalized for 1 day and be discharged the next day with the approval of the doctor.

You can return to daily life 1 week after the breast augmentation operation. After 1 month, any desired activity can be performed.

In cases where there is no heavy work and the person feels good, it is possible to return to desk jobs after an average of 2 weeks.

Yes, scars remain on the body. However, this scar is aligned to the underwear area and is invisible to the naked eye.

The operation takes 3-4 hours. General anesthesia is used. After the operation, it is necessary to stay under surveillance for 2 days.

Despite all exercise and diet efforts, anyone who has problems such as sagging, cracking, and fat in the abdomen can apply to this application. It is important that applicants do not have a chronic illness.

3-4 hours after the operation, walking can be started with support. It is necessary to stay under observation at the hospital for 2 days after the operation. After the 7th day, you can take a shower. For the first 10 days, it is necessary to walk with the waist and knees bent. Daily routines can be resumed after 2 weeks.

Klinik Adresi:

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Telefon Numarası:

+90 212 706 9075

E-posta Adresi:

[email protected]

Clinic Address

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Phone Number

+90 212 706 9075

E-mail Address

[email protected]