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Sweating Botox

Excessive sweating is a common problem that can significantly impact daily life. The Sweating Botulinum Toxin treatment effectively addresses this issue.

Sweating Botox

Sweating Botox

Overactive sweat glands increase the amount of sweat secreted, resulting in excessive sweating. Excessive sweating is a condition that greatly affects daily life. This condition is most common in the hand, foot and armpit areas. Sweating botox can be used to treat the problem. Sweating botox is performed by injecting botulinum toxin into the area with excessive sweating. It is a painless and painless application. You can be discharged on the day of the procedure. Therefore, the procedure does not affect daily life. In addition, Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU performs this procedure as comfortably as possible with his expert staff. In this way, people who apply for the procedure complete the process with high satisfaction.

Sweating Botox


You can be discharged on the day of the procedure. Likewise, daily life can be continued by following the doctor's recommendations.

Botox application can be completed within 30 minutes.

Botox application is not recommended for people with diseases related to the nervous system, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The effect of the Botox procedure is visible after the first 48-72 hours. The permanence of botox varies according to the area where it is applied. While it has a permanence of up to 6 months in the face area, its effect can last up to 1 year when applied to the armpit for sweating control.

After 1 day, light sports such as walking can be started. For more reliable results, it is necessary to stay away from sports activities for 1 week.

After 1 day, you can take a shower, provided that it is not too hot.

Botox is not a painful procedure. Local anesthesia is applied with the help of anesthetic creams before the procedure. In this way, no pain or ache is felt.

Plastic Surgery

Op. Dr. Burak Pasinlioglu

Op. Dr. Burak Pasinlioglu

Doctor Details

Op. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU graduated from Ankara Science High School in 2006 and Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 2013. In 2019, he completed his residency at Gazi University Plastic Surgery Clinic; He received the title of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon. In 2020, he received the European Plastic Surgery Recognition (EBOPRAS). Since 2021, he has been accepting patients in his private practice.

Sweating Botox

Excessive sweating is a common problem that negatively affects daily life. The Sweating Botox procedure effectively relieves this discomfort.

Sweating Botox

Overactive sweat glands increase the amount of sweat secreted and thus excessive sweating occurs. Excessive sweating is a condition that greatly affects daily life. This condition is most common in the hand, foot and armpit areas. Sweating botox can be used to treat the problem. Sweating botox is performed by injecting botulinum toxin into the area with excessive sweating. It is a painless and painless application. You can be discharged on the day of the procedure. Therefore, the procedure does not affect daily life. In addition, Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU performs this procedure as comfortably as possible with his expert staff. In this way, people who apply for the procedure complete the process with high satisfaction.

When Can I Return to Daily Life?

You can be discharged on the day of the procedure. Likewise, daily life can be continued by following the doctor’s recommendations.

How Long Does Botox Application Take?

Botox application can be completed within 30 minutes.

Who is Botox Application Not Recommended?

Botox application is not recommended for people with diseases related to the nervous system, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How long does the effect of Botox application last?

The effect of the Botox procedure is visible after the first 48-72 hours. The permanence of botox varies according to the area where it is applied. While it has a permanence of up to 6 months in the face area, its effect can last up to 1 year when applied to the armpit for sweating control.

When Can I Do Sports?

After 1 day, light sports such as walking can be started. For more reliable results, it is necessary to stay away from sports activities for 1 week.

When Can I Take a Shower?

After 1 day, you can take a shower, provided that it is not too hot.

Is Botox a Painful Procedure?

Botox is not a painful procedure. Local anesthesia is applied with the help of anesthetic creams before the procedure. In this way, no pain or pain is felt.

Sweating Botox

Hyperhidrosis is a condition defined as excessive and uncontrolled sweating. Excessive sweating in areas such as hands, armpits, feet and face can cause serious problems in social and business life.

Sweating botox is a method that has become very popular in the treatment of hyperhidrosis in recent years. In particular, this method significantly reduces sweating by temporarily blocking the nerve endings of the sweat glands using botulinum toxin.

Sweating botox application is a very simple and painless procedure. First, the application area is cleaned with antiseptic solution. Then, very small amounts of botulinum toxin are injected into the nerve endings of the sweat glands using fine needles.

A slight stinging sensation may be felt during the injections, but this is short-lived. The sweating botox operation can be completed with a very simple procedure. Our clinic offers precise and permanent results in sweating botox with its expert team and experience.

To whom can sweating botox be applied?

Sweating Botox can be applied to any individual aged 18 and over who has excessive sweating problems. However, it is not applied to pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with certain neurological diseases and people who are allergic to botox.

Sweating Botox can be used for people who experience the following conditions and have excessive sweating in the palms, soles of the feet, armpits and face.

Excessive sweating after alcohol or spicy food consumption

Excessive sweating after exposure to hot environments

Excessive sweating due to stress and anxiety

Excessive sweating due to genetic factors

Side effects of sweating botox application are very rare and generally mild. Mild redness, swelling and bruising may be seen at the injection site. However, these effects disappear spontaneously within a few days.

In rare cases, headache, nausea and flu-like symptoms may occur. Our clinic, thanks to its expert team, manages a flawless operation and provides you with definitive solutions in the shortest time with minimal side effects.

Where is Sweating Botox Performed?

In sweating botox, an effective method used in the treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin type A (Botox) is injected into the nerve endings that control the sweat glands.

As a result of the injection, nerve signals are blocked and excessive stimulation of the sweat glands is prevented. Especially people who experience excessive sweating, where is sweating botox performed? While the answer to the question is very curious, this botox can be applied to many different parts of the body.

Sweating botox is most commonly applied to the following areas.

The armpit is the most common area where excessive sweating is most common. Armpit botox significantly reduces sweating by blocking the sweat glands in the armpit.

Excessive sweating in the palms can cause significant problems in social and business life. Hand botox controls hand sweating by blocking the sweat glands in the palms.

Excessive sweating of the feet can lead to foot odor due to fungus and bacteria. Foot sweating botox blocks the sweat glands in the soles of the feet and prevents odor.

Excessive sweating on the forehead and face can be socially uncomfortable. Facial sweating botox prevents sweating by blocking the sweat glands in the forehead area.

Excessive sweating in the scalp can cause dandruff and bad odor. Hair sweating botox prevents sweating and these problems by blocking the sweat glands in the scalp.

Sweating Botox Benefits

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is a problem that negatively affects the daily lives of many people. Excessive sweating, which causes problems such as wetness, odor and stains, can cause a lack of self-confidence and embarrassment in social and business life.

Fortunately, sweating botox can offer a permanent solution to this problem. Sweating botox benefits include the following.

Sweating Botox significantly reduces or completely stops sweating in areas where excessive sweating is common, such as underarms, hands, feet and face.

With the disappearance of problems such as wetness, odor and stains, the person’s self-confidence in social and business life increases.

Embarrassment and anxiety due to excessive sweating decreases and comfort and comfort in daily life increases.

With the decrease in sweating, sweat-induced stains and odor are also prevented.

The effect of sweating botox application varies between 6 and 12 months. After the effect disappears, the application can be performed again.

Sweating Botox Price

Sweating botox prices vary according to the area to be treated and the amount of botox used. Especially facial sweating botox prices may be higher than procedures such as palm or armpit sweating botox.

However, our clinic always manages to satisfy its patients in terms of sweating botox price. You can contact us to get a price quote from our clinic, which performs sweating botox procedure with an expert team and at the most affordable prices.

If you are suffering from excessive sweating and want to regain your self-confidence, sweating botox can be an ideal solution for you. In our clinic, our experienced doctors perform sweating botox application under hygienic and safe conditions.

You can benefit from our consultation service by making an appointment immediately and find a permanent solution to your sweating problem.

Sweating Botox: An Effective Solution to Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating is a common problem that negatively affects daily life and reduces self-esteem. This can increase, especially in hot weather or stressful situations, and can negatively affect social interactions. Sweating Botox offers an effective solution to deal with such situations.

Who Can Benefit from Sweating Botox?

The Sweating Botox procedure is suitable for anyone who suffers from excessive sweating and is not allergic to the Botox material. However, those with certain health conditions (such as musculo-nerve diseases), pregnant or nursing mothers should not have this procedure. In general, anyone over the age of 18 and in good health can benefit from the Sweating Botox procedure.

How is the Sweating Botox Procedure Performed?

The Sweating Botox procedure is performed by injecting botox injections into certain areas. Before the procedure, the area to be applied is numbed with anesthetic creams and then botox injections are made to the determined points. These injections control excessive sweating of the sweat glands in the area and reduce sweating. There is usually no need for any dressing or special care after the procedure.

Things to Consider After Sweating Botox

After the Sweating Botox procedure, it is important to keep the area clean and hygienic. Mild bruising or redness may be seen in the first few days, but these usually disappear in a short time. After the procedure, extremely hot environments should be avoided and excessive physical activity should be avoided. However, post-procedure care should be carried out in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations and a specialist should be consulted in case of any problems.

The Sweating Botox procedure is an important option to effectively manage the problem of excessive sweating and make daily life easier. However, as with any medical procedure, it is important to consult a doctor and get expert advice before undergoing this procedure. This way, individuals can deal with their sweating problems more comfortably.

Sweating Botulinum Toxin: An Effective Solution for Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating is a common problem that can significantly impact daily life and undermine self-confidence. This condition can worsen in hot weather or stressful situations, affecting social interactions negatively. Sweating Botulinum Toxin provides an effective solution to cope with such situations.

Who Can Benefit from Sweating Botulinum Toxin Treatment?

Sweating Botulinum Toxin treatment is suitable for anyone experiencing excessive sweating and who does not have an allergy to botulinum toxin. However, individuals with certain health conditions (such as neuromuscular diseases) or pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid this treatment. Generally, anyone over the age of 18 and in good health can benefit from Sweating Botulinum Toxin treatment.

How Is Sweating Botulinum Toxin Treatment Performed?

Sweating Botulinum Toxin treatment involves injections of botulinum toxin into specific areas. Before the procedure, the target area is numbed with local anesthetic creams, followed by injections of botulinum toxin into predetermined points. These injections help control excessive sweating by regulating the sweat glands in the area. After the procedure, there is typically no need for any special dressing or care.

Post-Treatment Care for Sweating Botulinum Toxin

After Sweating Botulinum Toxin treatment, it is important to keep the treated area clean and hygienic. Mild bruising or redness may occur in the first few days, but these usually resolve quickly. Following the treatment, it is advisable to avoid excessively hot environments and strenuous physical activities. However, it is essential to follow post-treatment care as advised by the doctor, and in case of any concerns, consult a healthcare professional.

Sweating Botulinum Toxin treatment offers an effective solution for managing excessive sweating and making daily life more manageable. However, as with any medical procedure, it is important to consult a doctor before undergoing this treatment and follow expert advice. This way, individuals can cope more comfortably with sweating issues.

Klinik Adresi:

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Telefon Numarası:

+90 212 706 9075

E-posta Adresi:

[email protected]

Clinic Address

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Phone Number

+90 212 706 9075

E-mail Address

[email protected]