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Nasolabial Filler

Discover the beauty of Nazolabial Fillers, a procedure designed to soften lines around the nose and mouth. Achieve a natural look with this minimally invasive treatment. Preserve your youthful radiance and refine the details of your smile.

Nasolabial Filler

Nasolabial Filler

Over time, wrinkles appear in the area from the wings of the nose to the corner of the mouth. Non-surgical treatment of these wrinkles is possible with nasolabial filling. In this application, the selected filler is transferred to the determined area by injection method. Thus, it is aimed to remove wrinkles and lines in the area. Every individual with wrinkles and lines in the area can apply for this application. Individuals who want to have the procedure must be over the age of 18. In addition, they should not be allergic to filling materials. Therefore, a detailed physical examination is required before the procedure. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU performs his applications with his expert staff and the most advanced medical tools. In this way, a comfortable treatment is realized throughout the process.

Nasolabial Filler


You can be discharged on the day of the procedure. It takes 2 weeks for the filling to fully settle.

Anyone over the age of 18 who is not allergic to filling materials can apply for this procedure. A detailed physical examination is required before the procedure.

Since local anesthesia is applied to the area where the filling will be applied, no pain is felt during the procedure.

Applications such as fillers and botox are not permanent. The effects of such applications disappear completely after approximately 6-12 months and the area returns to its former state.

Light sports such as walking can be started after 1 day. Activities requiring heavy performance should be waited at least 1 week.

After 1 day, you can take a shower, but it should not be too hot.

It varies depending on the area it is applied to. The process is usually completed within 30 minutes.

Plastic Surgery

Op. Dr. Burak Pasinlioglu

Op. Dr. Burak Pasinlioglu

Doctor Details

Op. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU graduated from Ankara Science High School in 2006 and Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 2013. In 2019, he completed his residency at Gazi University Plastic Surgery Clinic; He received the title of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon. In 2020, he received the European Plastic Surgery Recognition (EBOPRAS). Since 2021, he has been accepting patients in his private practice.

Nasolabial Filler

Nasolabial Filler is ideal for smoothing wrinkles around the nose and mouth. Achieve a natural look with this non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure. Maintain youthful energy and touch up the details of your smile.

Nasolabial Filler

Over time, wrinkles appear in the area from the wings of the nose to the corner of the mouth. Non-surgical treatment of these wrinkles is possible with nasolabial filling. In this application, the selected filler is transferred to the determined area by injection method. Thus, it is aimed to remove wrinkles and lines in the area. Every individual with wrinkles and lines in the area can apply for this application. Individuals who want to have the procedure must be over the age of 18. In addition, they should not be allergic to filling materials. Therefore, a detailed physical examination is required before the procedure. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU performs his applications with his expert staff and the most advanced medical tools. In this way, a comfortable treatment is realized throughout the process.

What is the Recovery Time of Filling Application?

You can be discharged on the day of the procedure. A period of 2 weeks is required for the filling to fit completely.

Who Can Apply for Filling Application?

Anyone over the age of 18 who does not have allergy problems against filling materials can apply for this application. A detailed physical examination is required before the procedure.

Is Filling Application a Painful Procedure?

Since local anesthesia is applied to the area to be filled beforehand, no pain is felt during the procedure.

Is Filling Application Permanent?

Applications such as fillers and botox are not permanent applications. The effect of such applications completely disappears after about 6-12 months and the area becomes as it was before.

When Can I Do Sports?

After 1 day, light sports such as walking can be started. For activities that require heavy performance, it is necessary to wait at least 1 week.

When Can I Take a Shower?

After 1 day, you can take a shower that is not too hot.

How Long Does Filling Application Take?

It varies according to the area where it is applied. The procedure is usually completed within 30 minutes.

Nasolabial Filler

Nasolabial filler is an aesthetic procedure used to fill the lines that extend from the corners of the wings of the nose to the edges of the lips and deepen with aging. Lines can be affected by facial expressions such as smiling and sadness, as well as environmental factors such as sunlight and smoking.

Nasolabial filler helps to achieve a smoother and younger skin appearance by softening these lines and rejuvenating the overall appearance of the face. Nasolabial fillers are made using biologically compatible fillers such as hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in the skin that provides fullness and moisturization. The filler is injected under the nasolabial folds using a fine needle, filling the lines and smoothing the skin surface.

This procedure, which is suitable for people whose nasolabial folds are deepened and who are not satisfied with the general appearance of their faces, can be applied to anyone from the age of 18 without any health problems.

How Is Nasolabial Filling Performed?

Nasolabial filling procedure is usually performed in a clinical setting under local anesthesia in less than 30 minutes. Before the procedure, our doctor evaluates the patient’s face and determines the amount of filler and injection points.

The filler is injected under the nasolabial folds using a fine needle. No special care is required after the procedure and the patient can return to his/her daily life immediately.

How Permanent Is Nasolabial Filler?

How permanent is nasolabial filler? In response to the question; The permanence of the filling may vary from person to person and according to the filling material used. In general, hyaluronic acid fillers are permanent between 6 and 18 months.

However, some factors may affect this period. These include the type of filler material, the person’s metabolism, skin type, age, the area where the filler is applied and the amount of filler. Another factor that is effective for the permanence of the filler is the lifestyle of the person.

Factors such as sun exposure, smoking, unhealthy diet and stress can cause the filler to dissolve more quickly. If you are interested in the filler procedure, you can contact our clinic to get the best results and to find out how long the filler can last.

Does Nasolabial Filler Affect Smile?

One of the curious issues about nasolabial filler is whether this procedure affects the smile. Does nasolabial filling affect the smile? The answer to the question varies according to various factors.

When the right amount of filler is used, nasolabial lines soften and a fuller and younger smile is obtained. Excessive filling can cause an artificial appearance and restrict the natural movement of the smile.

If soft and flexible filling materials such as hyaluronic acid are preferred, it is ensured that the filling moves naturally and does not affect your smile. Facial structure and anatomy vary from person to person.

Our doctor applies the filler in the most suitable way for your face and smile. The filler applied by an experienced doctor with the right technique does not affect the smile muscles and does not disrupt your natural smile.

Especially at this point, our clinic offers you great results by performing a perfect operation with its expert and experienced team.

Things to Consider After Nasolabial Filler

After the nasolabial filling procedure, which is used to fill the lines extending from the edges of the nose to the corners of the mouth, there are some important points you should pay attention to get the best result and minimize side effects.

Among the things to be considered especially after nasolabial filling are the following.

First 24 Hours

Applying a cold compress to the application area helps reduce swelling and redness.

Avoiding showering for the first 24 hours helps the filling to settle and reduces the risk of infection.

Rubbing or massaging the filling area may cause the filling to dislodge.

Makeup should be avoided. Makeup can irritate the filling area and cause infection.

Avoid heavy sports. Intense exercise can increase blood pressure and cause swelling and bruising.

Alcohol and smoking can delay healing and increase the risk of side effects.

First week

Prolonged contact with hot water may cause the filling to melt faster.

Lying face down can cause the filling to move out of place.

Sun exposure can cause pigmentation in the filler area.

Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least 30 SPF and avoid direct sunlight.

In addition, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and follow your doctor’s instructions.

Nasolabial Filler Price

In our clinic, nasolabial fillers are performed by our experienced and specialized plastic surgeons. A special approach is adopted to understand the needs of our customers and offer them the most suitable solutions.

In terms of nasolabial filler price, our clinic offers the most affordable prices to its patients and gains their satisfaction. By using quality fillers and modern techniques, natural and aesthetic results are achieved.

You can contact us to get more information about nasolabial filler service or to make an appointment. Our experts are available to determine the most suitable treatment plan for you and guide you every step of the way.

Nasolabial Filler: An Effective Solution for a Youthful and Natural Look

Nasolabial filler is an aesthetic application used to achieve a more youthful and vibrant appearance by filling wrinkles and hollows in the area from the wings of the nose to the corner of the mouth. This procedure is performed non-surgically and is usually performed using fillers such as hyaluronic acid.

Who Can Have Nasolabial Filler?

Nasolabial fillers are generally suitable for anyone over the age of 18 who has wrinkles around the nose and mouth. However, it may not be suitable for those who are pregnant and breastfeeding and those who are allergic to filling materials. It is also recommended that people with chronic conditions consult a specialist first.

How Is Nasolabial Filler Procedure Performed?

The nasolabial filler procedure is usually performed by a specialist doctor in clinical settings. Before the procedure, the area to be treated is numbed with local anesthetics and then the filler material is applied to the skin with injections. The procedure time usually varies between 20 and 30 minutes and patients can usually return to their normal activities on the same day.

Recovery Process After Nasolabial Filler

After the procedure, slight swelling or bruising may occur, but this usually subsides within a few days. It is recommended to avoid extreme heat and sun during the first few days. It is also not recommended to wear make-up or do heavy exercises after the procedure. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations during the healing process.

Nasolabial Filler: Natural and Long Lasting Results

Nasolabial filler is an effective solution to achieve a natural and youthful appearance by filling wrinkles and hollows on the face. When done correctly, the results are usually long-lasting and natural-looking. However, the duration of the results may vary from person to person and may need to be repeated regularly.

Nasolabial filler is an effective and popular aesthetic application to remove wrinkles and hollows on the face. However, it is important to consult a specialist before this procedure and determine whether you are a suitable candidate. When done correctly, nasolabial filler is a safe and effective option to achieve a youthful and natural appearance.

Nazolabial Fillers: Effective Solution for a Youthful and Natural Look

Nazolabial fillers, an aesthetic procedure used to fill wrinkles and hollows in the area from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth, providing a more youthful and vibrant appearance. This procedure is performed non-surgically and typically involves the use of fillers such as hyaluronic acid.

Who Can Benefit from Nazolabial Fillers?

Nazolabial fillers are generally suitable for anyone over the age of 18 with wrinkles in the nose and mouth area. However, they may not be suitable for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have allergies to filler materials. Additionally, individuals with chronic conditions should consult with a specialist before undergoing the procedure.

How is the Nazolabial Filler Procedure Performed?

The nazolabial filler procedure is usually carried out in clinical settings by a skilled doctor. Prior to the procedure, the treatment area is numbed with local anesthetics, and then the filler material is injected into the skin. The procedure typically takes between 20 to 30 minutes, and patients can usually return to their normal activities the same day.

Recovery Process After Nazolabial Fillers

After the procedure, mild swelling or bruising may occur, but this typically subsides within a few days. It is recommended to avoid excessive heat and sun exposure in the first few days. Additionally, it is advised not to apply makeup or engage in strenuous exercise immediately after the procedure. Following the doctor’s recommendations during the recovery process is important.

Nazolabial Fillers: Natural and Long-lasting Results

Nazolabial fillers effectively fill wrinkles and hollows on the face, providing a natural and youthful appearance. When performed correctly, the results are often long-lasting and natural-looking. However, the duration of results may vary from person to person, and regular touch-ups may be necessary.

Nazolabial fillers offer an effective and popular aesthetic solution for filling wrinkles and hollows on the face. However, it is important to consult with a specialist before undergoing the procedure to determine if you are a suitable candidate. When performed correctly, nazolabial fillers are a safe and effective option for achieving a youthful and natural appearance.

Klinik Adresi:

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Telefon Numarası:

+90 212 706 9075

E-posta Adresi:

[email protected]

Clinic Address

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Phone Number

+90 212 706 9075

E-mail Address

[email protected]